Carpal Tunnel Syndrome In Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome In Pregnancy

The darkening of the areola is one of the first physical symptoms of pregnancy and can occur throughout your entire pregnancy. If you do happen to notice the darkening of the areola, this is considered one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.

The second trimester is considered the gold period. At this stage of pregnancy symptoms week by week will disappear. You can sleep better. Progress healthy pregnancy sign may be observed. It is said that it is considered that this would be the best moment expecting mothers as well. You may be able to hear your baby's first heartbeat. Ultrasound can be performed to find out your child's gender.

Tender Breasts: Tender breast is one of the most instant signals of being pregnant. The feeling is similar to soreness experienced before menstrual periods, but few women can feel their breast becoming heavier and fuller than usual. Nipples also start to get darker.

Over twelve months ago a report stated, 397,990 new sexually transmitted infection diagnoses at GUM clinics in Great Britain showed an increase of 63% in 1998.

While this progression is a good and exciting thing, it can keep you awake longer at night. Another affliction of pregnancy that can keep you awake at night is snoring.

After the swelling started, I developed excruciating pain in my left hand, specifically in the thumb and first finger. It was most painful when I was sleeping, so I woke often in the night because of the pain, no matter how I held my hand as I slept. Once I woke up and moved it to get some blood flowing, the pain lessened a little, but not totally. Even during the day, I couldn't grasp anything with those fingers at the risk of having pain and tremors shoot down my fingers and arm.

Double the Complications. Twin pregnancies are at a much higher risk of premature labor. They are also at risk for low birth weight, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, toxemia of pregnancy, and complications of delivery.

Turns out, the answer was even more simple, and something I already knew, but didn't think about. Drink more water. And avoid things that decrease the amount of water in your body, like caffeine and sodium. I'm not too bad with the caffeine - a coffee or tea about once a week - but I thought about all the sodium I was consuming, and it was pretty appalling. We'd eaten out a few times recently, and I had been eating fries and gravy, and at home I snacked on chips and crackers. It is recommended that people with swelling issues try to limit their sodium intake to 1000mg a day. Even the things that I thought were safe, like my Raisin Bran cereal, had 350mg in a serving! And as for my water intake, well there were days that I drank no water, and just milk or juice or coffee.

Most women are eager to know that they are pregnant the moment they suspect on it. Testing for pregnancy can get expensive. Your best bet is to wait until you miss your period or the day of your period.